About Our Church

We are a body of like-minded believers, who profess faith in Jesus Christ our Lord & Savior!

Our local body consists of individual people who are members, that profess faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We believers are united together in Christ, as brothers and sisters, and who can truly call the Lord our God - our Father, who is in Heaven

We are confessing baptists, who have a rich theological and doctrinal heritage.

Our primary distinctives from other local Christian churches involve us being Confessionally Reformed and Credobaptistic. We as a church confess the 2nd London Baptist Confession, which is a collection of beliefs that we believe systematically expresses what Scripture teaches.

Find out more about what we believe!

Find out more about membership!

Our Church Body

Our church body consists of individual persons, who are each essential members of the whole body.

Our church also has officers who carry out certain biblical duties and responsibilities in the leading and in the serving of our local church body, such as: Preaching/Teaching, Administering Baptism/Communion, etc.

Those who are serving in the office of Elder or Deacon are listed at the bottom of this webpage.

You can read more about what it means to be a Layman, Deacon, or Elder below: