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Our Christian Documents

  • The Baptist Confession

    The Baptist Confession is a document that contains the systematic theology of which our church confesses to believe. This Confession of Faith is the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689). The Confession was originally written in 1677 and was later officially subscribed to by an assembly of Churches gathered in London.

  • The Baptist Catechism

    The Baptist Catechism is a doctrinal document that is written in a Question & Answer format, and is used to instruct and train up people into the Christian faith. This version of the catechism contains a total of 114 Questions+Answers, and was written by William Collins (but is commonly referred to as Keach’s catechism).

  • The Christian Creeds

    In the centuries following the establishment of the Church, Christians were met with challenges from those teaching heterodoxy. These creeds express the teachings of Scripture regarding the core issues of the Christian faith, and have been passed down and used by many churches since their formation.


  • The Chicago Statement

    A statement published in 1978 on the issue of Biblical Inerrancy.

  • The Dallas Statement

    A statement published in 2018 on the issue of Social Justice & the Gospel.

  • The Danvers Statement

    A statement published in 1988 on the issue of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.

  • The Nashville Statement

    A statement published in 2017 on the issue of Biblical view of Human Sexuality.

Our Church Documents

Church Constitution/By-Laws

Our Church’s constitution is the document that structures how our church governs and conducts itself. This document serves both to meet the necessary requirements for a legally incorporated organization, and to also meet the biblical commands/principles for conducting the affairs of church in an orderly manner.

Membership Covenant

Our Church’s membership covenant is the document that contains the promises that those entering into our Church’s membership make to both God and to the other members of the Church. This document serves to make known to members the biblical commitments and obligations they have to God and His People.

Take a minute to read an article on our church blog that is edifying, challenging, and to the point.

Scripture Reading Plans

Take time to read God’s Word each day, both with your family and in private. We have a 1-Year reading calendar, which has both New & Old Testament readings for each day of the year. We also have a 2-Year Chronological plan available!

Our Recommended List of
External Resources

We have carefully created a listing of external resources that we trust and can recommend, these resources can be used to find excellent learning materials or for research on particular topics.